By Amanda Crater

If you’ve ever wondered why your kitchen sponge smells revolting, it’s because kitchen sponges have more bacteria than, well, the whole kitchen sink.  According to a report in the Daily Mail, kitchen sponges on average carry 200,000 times the bacteria than found on a toilet seat. The Huffington Post recently reported on the details behind this nasty phenomenon in an article called, “Your Kitchen Sponge is as Revolting as It Smells.” The germs and bacteria get lodged in the nooks and crannies of the sponges, which in turn result in that foul smell you find lingering on your fingers after using it.kitchenenemy#1Do not despair, however, there is hope in overcoming the stinky sponge dilemma! An eco-friendly alternative to traditional kitchen sponges exists thanks to an innovative, California-based company called Pura Naturals. Pura Naturals sponges are revolutionizing the home care cleaning experience with their line of kitchen sponges that, wait for it…NEVER SMELL. Toxin-free and made from environmentally friendly materials, these earth-friendly sponges are like no other on the market. The sponges are made from a special foam called BeBetterFoam™, which was originally developed in response to the British Petroleum oil spill in 2010 as an ultra-effective clean-up mechanism to absorb toxins and pollutants.

Pura Naturals products are made from BeBetterFoam, which was created by Advanced Innovative Recovery Technology, Inc. (AIRTech). The company found that they had an amazing product on their hands, and they decided to develop other uses for BeBetterFoam including their line of home care and personal cleaning products under Pura Naturals.

The products are now sold in major chains nationwide and can be found in boutiques and stores all over. Order your own sponges online or contact Amanda Crater at for information on ordering products for your business. photo




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