Top 10 Most Interesting Cleantech News Stories from July
published on: CleanTechnica.
This is the third monthly report of 10 of the most compelling clean energy and clean technology stories encountered over the last month. Over a thousand articles were reviewed across many energy platforms, including renewables, fuels, energy generation, energy conservation, and climate. Here are my “Top 10” that might have an impact on your business, your life, and the world we live in. Or, at the very least, might surprise you about what’s going on. And, giving credit where due, thanks to Dave Letterman for the Top 10 idea, listed in reverse order.
10. Perhaps a model for industrialized nations, Australia is focused on a 100% renewable energy grid from wind and solar by 2040. Because wind power plants are already cheaper to build than new coal or gas plants — and solar plants soon will be. And, by 2040, most aging Aussie fossil fuel plants will be retired. This is also true in India.
9. Researchers at Wetsus in the Netherlands have publish…
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