Green Jobs Sector Grows in Size
Danielle Cullen, Correspondent for TechnicianOnline
America’s “green jobs sector” is on the rise, according to a report from Environmental Entrepreneurs. The environmental group released a study earlier this month, which reported nearly 40,000 new green jobs created during the second quarter of 2013.
A green worker is usually employed in the energy industry and seeks to help lessen the human impact on the environment. A student seeking to work in the green jobs sector may study human impact on the environment and “greener,” more efficient ways of living. This includes everything from more energy-efficient homes to more sustainable ways to keep us safe.
Lynn Albers, a postdoctoral student in mechanical engineering, said that N.C. State offers courses to help students prepare for joining the green jobs sector. Senior-level electives include Energy Conservation and Industry Design of Solar Thermal Systems. Environmental studies graduates usually end up working for o…
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