Conan O’Brien, Disney, Monsanto & Jabba the Hut
What do these four have in common? We can't think of anything either so we came up with this story to have a little fun and help spread the news about Monsanto's radical attempts to rule the universe by controlling the food supply and forcing Genetically Modified Organisms into our food chain. Magic beans? I don't think so.
Here's where Conan O'Brien--and you--can help. With Disney now firmly in control of the "Star Wars" universe, some obscure spinoff characters and franchises will soon be going the way of the Death Star. Conan has asked for help in finishing a list of sci-fi rejects. Please share this picture and retweet our posts @greenbusinesses. Make sure you add @TeamCoco and the hashtag #TerribleStarWarsSpinoffs.
Science has proven that eating GMOs can cause cancer tumors, infertility and birth defects and in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration - which is supposed to protect the public from unsafe foods and drugs - is being run by ex-Monsanto execut…
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