900hp Ferrari Hybrid Sounds Like a Prius…Being Eaten by a LeMans-ster

This article originally published on Gas2

When the 900 hp “LaFerrari” Ferrari Hybrid first broke cover back in March, everyone who could read a spec. sheet knew that the car would be a monster. One thing automotive enthusiasts didn’t know, however, was what the LaFerrari would sound like – which is a pretty big deal for Ferrari’s fans and corporate culture! Would the new LaFerrari make the same kind of V12 that made the classic Daytona, 512 BB, and Testarossa into legends? Would the new Ferrari hybrid have the same high-pitched wail of the iconic Ferrari F40?

Would the new Ferrari Hybrid – horror of horrors! – sound like a Prius?

Wonder no more, Ferrari fans. Plug your headphones in, turn up the volume, and listen to the decidedly LeMans-ready wail of Ferrari’s latest: the 900+ hp LaFerrari!

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