Move Over George Jetson – it’s the Apple iCar!
Since Valentine’s Day online news has been exploding around the rumor of an Apple iCar in the works. The first breaking of the story came from the Wall Street Journal with the inspiring headline “Apple Gears Up to Challenge Tesla in Electric Cars”. The article goes on to cite several interesting tidbits surrounding a secret R&D project called “Titan” lead by respected Apple VP Steve Zadesky, such as:
Steve has recently traveled to Austria to meet with car manufacturers
Steve has been given permission by Apple CEO, Tim Cook, to build a 1000 person team to work on his car project.
Sources say that he has been recruiting people internally from different departments within Apple as well as poaching talent from the likes of Tesla that have automotive expertise.
An unsolicited email sent from an “Apple Employee” to Business Insider about Vehicle Development stated “"Apple's latest project is too exciting to pass up," ….."I think it will change the landscape and give …
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