The Ricoh Eco Board, which is 47 feet high by 126 feet long, is the first billboard in Times Square to be totally lit by solar energy. It is powered solely by 62 solar panels and 24 thin-film PV solar modules, and illuminated by 16 LED floodlights. Ricoh made a promise not to use conventional electricity from the grid to light the Eco Board and will allow it to go dark due to lack of sunlight. By using only solar power to light the sign, Ricoh is playing a part in reducing the amount of carbon emissions released by conventional electrical power sources. A special ceremony to celebrate the completion of the Eco Board will take place on June 8 in New York’s Times Square.

“When Ricoh decided to advertise in Times Square, we wanted to do so in an environmentally-responsible way that would have minimal negative impact on the environment. Our hope was that the Eco Board would become a powerful symbol of Ricoh’s commitment to green practices and would challenge others to become more active,” said Jason Dizzine, Director, Corporate Communications, Ricoh Americas Corporation. “Most billboards deliver a message, but this billboard is itself the message. For Ricoh, if the sign goes dark, that is ok. What is more important is that Ricoh is sharing in the bettering of our planet for everyone.”

Ricoh chose Rec Solar, one of the pioneers of the solar industry, to equip the top of the Eco Board with a high-quality series of solar modules optimized for low-light conditions. In addition, Ricoh worked closely with Cooley Group, which has been at the forefront of polymer technology and coatings on flexible reinforced substrates for nearly a century, on the thin-film PV solar modules, manufactured by Xunlight Corporation.

“Ricoh’s commitment to sustainable management is reflected not just in this solar billboard but in the products and services we offer our customers,” said Ike Kakegawa, Vice President, Environmental Sustainability, Ricoh Americas Corporation. “We are making significant environmental contributions on a global scale through Ricoh’s Total Green Office Solution, which takes a holistic approach to document management, combining green consultative services, energy-saving imaging equipment and software solutions to help customers meet their sustainability goals such as saving energy and paper, and reducing waste.”

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