Eco Engineering helps customers identify and implement financially attractive energy-saving solutions that deliver an ideal visual environment while preserving our world for future generations. Eco offers energy efficient lighting upgrades on a national basis using a comprehensive approach from auditing, engineering and materials acquisition through installation, proper recycling and disposal. Eco provides expertise and support to assist customers in qualifying for local utility rebates and federal tax incentives associated with energy efficient lighting projects.
Eco believes that energy efficiency makes good business sense and creates a brighter future for organizations. Substantial savings in energy costs and lower ongoing operating expenses are attractive to businesses of all kinds. With limited (or zero) upfront capital expense, any business can generate an immediate increase in cash flow due to lower utility bills. Paybacks are generous, especially when rebates, incentives and tax credits enter the picture. Plus, every business who implements an energy efficient lighting project comes out with better lighting and an enhanced image.
Eco also understands that energy efficient lighting creates a brighter future for employees and customers. Better working environments are a direct result of lighting upgrades. Productivity, job satisfaction and morale improve. Safety becomes enhanced. Customers feel better when they see better and positive sales or merchandising results are often associated with improved lighting.
Eco has firmly tied its own mission and vision to creating a brighter future for all of us. Reducing energy consumption is good for the environment. Improved lighting technologies can reduce the amount of coal and other fossil fuels needed to power any facility. Proper disposal of old lighting equipment and lamps keeps hazardous contaminants under control. Green is a reality. Eco believes that a brighter future is closely aligned with a new 3P approach for the 21st Century –
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