Al Dente Pasta, now a classic in all 50 states and Canada, has never lost the character of a truly ?specialty? product. Al Dente?s values are reflected in the honest packaging of each and every bag of pasta. Taking no shortcuts, working closely with the growers and millers of our durum wheat, using the ?real thing? when it comes to flavors, taking total responsibility for the manufacturing of our pasta (we are the manufacturers, not just the marketers of Al Dente Pasta.) Al Dente is the specialty pasta maker who balances old world tradition and authenticity with a contemporary, friendly approach to bringing the best that America has to offer-an affordable luxury. Al dente pasta values giving back to the community just as much as they value making perfect pasta. Most kids never stop to think where and how their favorite food is made. Many lucky students, however, have had the opportunity to visit the Al dente pasta factory where they get to see for themselves what makes al dente pasta so special. In their personalized and inspirational tour with founder, Monique Deschaine, they also get an understanding of how the business was started. Many of them leave with new ideas of ?what they want to be when they grow up.? And all of them leave with a new appreciation of what it takes to turn flour and water into one of the world?s most popular foods
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