Residents of Windsor and Maidenhead are set to receive vouchers and discounts in local shops in return for recycling their food waste, in the latest initiative unveiled by Greenredeem.
The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM) announced last week it has expanded its partnership with Greenredeem to include food waste, which currently makes up 30 per cent of rubbish going to landfill in the borough.
RBWM is the first borough to offer the food recycling reward scheme to all its residents. It operates on a points system that rewards local residents for their recycling, but has until now mainly focused on dry recyclables.
Points can be converted into vouchers for use in local shops and businesses, acting as an incentive for residents.
Councillor Carwyn Cox said he hoped the new initiative would encourage more residents to recycle their food and maintained the scheme was “simple and easy” to use.
The new food waste scheme means residents will now be able to earn extra points each month by making pledges for recycling their food waste and using up more leftovers. Those already recycling their food waste can earn bonus points by increasing the amount they recycle each month. 
The RBWM and Greenredeem partnership has seen RBWM recycling rates increase three times faster than the national average over the past six years. Research released last year by Greenredeem showed the rate of dry recycling has almost doubled in areas that operate to reward scheme compared with areas using compulsory recycling strategies, which fine households for not recycling. 
Local authorities are under mounting pressure to boost recycling rates, as official figures suggest the UK is not on track to meet binding EU targets for domestic recycling. 
Source: Recycling BG

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