Google has been a carbon neutral company for seven years, and every year around this time they calculate and publish their carbon footprint so they can make sure to offset it completely. Today Google updated the Google Green website with their 2013 carbon footprint so we can see it for ourselves. They also made another announcement relevant to green businesses, communities and our environment. In ironic contradiction to the old song, “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot,” the search giant announced that it will put a 82MW solar power plant on top of an old oil and gas field in Kern County, Calif.
“There’s something a little poetic about creating a renewable resource on land that once creaked with oil wells,” said Google. “Over the years, this particular site in California has gone from 30 oil wells to five as it was exhausted of profitable fossil fuel reserves. The land sat for some time and today we’re ready to spiff things up.”
The new deal with SunEdison will generate enough energy to power 10,000 homes. It may not be a paradise, but does mark the 5th major green investment in the Golden State. This raises the number of renewable energy investments made by Google to 17 since 2010. Total Google Green Business bucks amount to more than $1.5 billion. “We’re continually looking for newer, bigger and better projects that help us create a clean energy future,” the company said. “The more than $1.5bn we’ve brought to these projects to date not only helps provide renewable energy to the grid and to the public, but as they perform, they allow us to invest in more renewable energy projects. This cycle makes financial sense for Google and our partners while supporting construction jobs in local communities and clean energy for the planet we share.”
“Talking about sustainability is a popular marketing tool, but Google has made renewable energy and environmental protection part of both its corporate identity and its operations in a way that is unique in corporate America.“ – Associated Press
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