Harvesting Earth’s Heat: Geothermal Energy Production Worldwide

Geothermal energy, often referred to as Earth's hidden treasure, is gaining momentum as a sustainable source of power across the globe. Harnessing the natural heat stored beneath the Earth's surface, geothermal energy offers a clean and renewable alternative to traditional fossil fuels. In this article, we'll explore the state of geothermal energy production worldwide, highlight countries excelling in this field, and compare geothermal energy to other forms of energy production. Additionally, we'll examine the role of governments and private enterprises in advancing this promising renewable energy source. Understanding Geothermal Energy Production Geothermal energy production is rooted in the Earth's internal heat. It is generated by tapping into the natural thermal energy stored within the Earth's crust. This heat is derived from the decay of radioactive isotopes and the original heat of formation from when the Earth was created. Geothermal energy can be harnessed th…
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The Current State of Green Businesses in 2023: A Sustainable Revolution

In 2023, the state of green businesses is evolving at an unprecedented pace. The world is witnessing a sustainable revolution, where eco-conscious practices and environmentally responsible initiatives are no longer a fringe movement but a mainstream, influential force. Green businesses are at the forefront of this movement, leading the charge towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly global economy. In this blog post, we'll delve into the current state of green businesses in 2023, exploring key trends, challenges, and opportunities that define this exciting era. The Rise of Sustainability as a Core Business Strategy In recent years, sustainability has transcended its traditional role as a peripheral concern for businesses. Today, it's a fundamental part of business strategy. Companies across industries have recognized that incorporating sustainable practices into their operations is not only an ethical imperative but also a competitive advantage. Green bu…
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A Climate Awakening

This year has been the hottest year on record and this has been a trend for the past 3 consecutive years. Fire season has moved from summer to February in many wildfire hotspot locations. For 3 days last week, I was trained by Al Gore on the current state of the climate and how to become a leader in the topic – a Climate Reality Leader. 972 people being in Denver, CO wanting to learn, network, connect, motivate and take action had me certain that the most successful people would see the possibility of tackling this pertinent issue head on. With 97% of scientists aware that the climate is changing due to human causes, climate change is no longer a liberal or conservative issue. Al Gore calls it the Sustainability Revolution. Like the Industrial Revolution and the Digital Revolution, sustainability is finding its way into every industry and its making business more efficient and cost-effective, and with it comes a better quality of life. Yet deniers still wave their hands …
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The World’s First Beehive-On-Tap System

Two beekeepers in Australia, Cedar Anderson and Stuart Anderson, have invented a new sort of hive that could revolutionize Beekeeping traditional methods.   They have invented the FLOWHive, a special hive that can put your honey "on tap" directly from your hive box.  It's main benefit being that it can pour honey out of the combs without upsetting the bees.  The FLOWhive contains special inserts that will fit into normal hives or, if you get the whole FLOWhive system, you will have their special wooden outer box complete with windows and access points that will ensure you know exactly when to harvest the honey and have a full supply as soon as it is ready to go. There are a lot of skeptics in their beekeeping community who say it is unlikely to work without a lot of mess and cleanup needed.  Some comment in the beekeeping forums that they would rather wait and see before jumping to buy this sort of invention. The key to the system is a special imitation of the traditional…
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Toadal Invasion: Australia May have Finally Conquered the Cane Toad

The Problem The historic introduction of 100 Cane Toads to Australia in 1935 began a battle of unforeseen proportions for the indigenous species of the land (See invasion graphic >).  The toads were brought over from Hawaii with the intention of setting them loose upon the beetles that were destroying the Sugar Cane crops.  Instead of being the agricultural heroes everyone touted them to be, the toads ignored the beetles and proceeded to destroy native species at an alarming rate.  Documentaries like “Cane Toads: The Conquest” and “Cane Toads: An Unnatural History” have shown the relentless path of destruction these miniature monsters are creating; and anyone who has watched these can tell you how hopeless the battle used to seem to the people of Australia.  Now a ray of hope has come. These toads are successful because they reproduce very quickly, are toxic to eat, and are able to spray poison at their attackers.   They also are not choosey about their diet – eati…
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Fun Fall Festivities for the Greenie at Heart

Fall is a great time of the year to get outside and enjoy all our planet has to offer. With the weather beginning to cool down, leaves starting to change colors, and the holidays coming soon, this is a wonderful season to bond with the family and enjoy some fun fall festivities. Green Businesses has a few favorites we love to do every year. Maybe you do too? Apple Picking Apple picking may be available all year round, but autumn just so happens to be the most festive time of the year to indulge in such a fun activity. You may have to drive a distance to get to your destination, but it is well worth the drive. The human soul seems to regenerate as you get out of that car and find yourself surrounded by trees and mountains and nature. It is so satisfying to walk through the fields of trees, picking and choosing which apple you would like to enjoy, twisting the select few until they snap off the branch, and later enjoying a crisp and delectable snack. Not to mention, these a…
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