Harvesting Earth’s Heat: Geothermal Energy Production Worldwide

Geothermal energy, often referred to as Earth's hidden treasure, is gaining momentum as a sustainable source of power across the globe. Harnessing the natural heat stored beneath the Earth's surface, geothermal energy offers a clean and renewable alternative to traditional fossil fuels. In this article, we'll explore the state of geothermal energy production worldwide, highlight countries excelling in this field, and compare geothermal energy to other forms of energy production. Additionally, we'll examine the role of governments and private enterprises in advancing this promising renewable energy source. Understanding Geothermal Energy Production Geothermal energy production is rooted in the Earth's internal heat. It is generated by tapping into the natural thermal energy stored within the Earth's crust. This heat is derived from the decay of radioactive isotopes and the original heat of formation from when the Earth was created. Geothermal energy can be harnessed th…
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How Big is Your Water Footprint?

Awesome new graphic from CustomMade that takes an in-depth look at the growing global water footprint and provides ideas on how we can cut back on our individual water consumption to help sustain this valuable resource for future generations. The average American lifestyle requires about 2,000 gallons of water every day. Fresh water consumption has doubled since World War II and is expected to rise 25% by 2030. All of this water use takes a toll on the planet and can create water scarcity which effects up to 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of the year. Explore ways you can reduce your water footprint in your home. Reducing our Water Footprint Dual flush toilets, turning off the tap while scrubbing dishes, and using a rain barrel to collect outdoor water are all great ways to reduce your water footprint. There are many simple changes you can make in your day to day life that can positively impact your water use and lessen the effects of water scarci…
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U.S. Allows Fracking in George Washington National Forest

By Amanda Crater - Just as George Washington once swung an ax into his own father's beloved cherry tree, the United States federal government just drove a drill into the heart of its national park system by approving a federal management plan that will allow fracking to occur in parts of the George Washington National Forest - the nation's largest national forest on the East Coast. The controversial practice is vehemently opposed by both environmentalists and Virginia's governor Terry McAuliffe, but fracking will be allowed thanks to the new plan passed Tuesday November 14, 2014 over their objections. It seems fitting that this symbolic move applies to a national park named after a president whose legacy includes taking an ax to his own garden in a masochist act of self sabotage - good fracking job America on this one too.  Just as elementary school text books commend dear George for fessing up to his father, politicians and lobbyists are applauding themselves for coming up …
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Jellyfish: Menace to Medicine

Recently, jellyfish have found themselves in the news as causing quite a bit of havoc among the seas. Fishermen, tourists, and even some power station workers are finding themselves negatively affected by these slimy characters. The Environmental News Network, reported on such issues this week; yet, they went a little further and found a research group who has discovered, and is working on, helpful aspects drawn from the jellyfish’s biological properties.


The Trouble with Tentacles

“Jellyfish have overwhelmed the marine ecosystem as a result of the overfishing of more competitive species [and] consuming fish eggs and larvae of weaker specimens…” claims ENN. This is causing a damaging imbalance among the seas. By blocking up the systems of power stations using seawater, jellyfish are causing a bump in the road for productivity. Furthermore, “jellyfish have had a dramatic impact on the world fishing industry, snagging and blocking fishing nets …

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Research: Calculating the Hidden Risks of Environmental Damage

A new analysis reveals that some business activities do not generate sufficient profit to cover their natural resource use and pollution costs, creating large, hidden risks that affect some industries operating in certain regions of the world. The analysis can help businesses and investors can take account of natural capital costs to help manage risk and gain competitive advantage. read more
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